Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and health concerns, we have made the decision to host this year’s conference virtually during World Space Week, whose theme this year is “Women in Space.” We hope to see you safely in person next year!

What is the registration cost, and what does it include?

Since this year’s conference will be virtual, there is no registration fee. Thank you to our generous sponsors for making this possible!

Did the dates for the conference change? I thought the conference was in May 2020.

Due to widespread health concerns and travel restrictions regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, we made the decision to postpone the conference until 2021 in an effort to allow more people to still be able to attend.

Can I submit an abstract for a talk and a poster session?

All are welcome to apply for talks and/or posters. Please keep in mind that the audience for this conference will be highly transdisciplinary, and as such your abstracts and presentations should be written in language geared toward educated non-experts in your field. Avoid unnecessary jargon when possible.

Who is welcome to attend?

Anyone is welcome to register and attend.

We encourage attendance and abstract submissions from anyone interested in joining the conversation, regardless of gender identity.

We highly encourage graduate students, undergraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, professors, industry professionals, and government employees to attend.

Who is organizing this conference?

This conference is organized by Professional Martian LLC, a space outreach company aimed at getting science out of the echo chamber to reach a broader audience. Lead organizers this year are Dr. Tanya Harrison and Dr. Sara Mazrouei.